Sunday, May 31, 2009

If this is a test im loosing my self...

I'ts all so confusing...

i feel good, excited, dreamy, happy
when i see him, when he sees me
just even thinking of him its enough
and when i bump into him my day is made...
but then comes the frustation:
when i think he may know what's in my head
and even tough he cant be sure
under the most little sign of suspection that he suspects
i feel as if someone passed over me with an x ray machine...
i feel naked, embarrased, exposed
how can he know it? who does he think he is?
what if he's laughing at me cause of this?
and what if he doesnt think of that and im the one thinking to much about it?
ARGGGG!! this even started as a joke... a joke i ended believing...
shit. shit. SHIT. This reminds me of high school

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"The only thing worst than not knowing is you thinking that I don't know"